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An accident can happen, if something distracts one driver from attention to the road. Ideally, a driver’s eyes will always be focused on that surface. Yet a long list of different things can keep a diver from paying attention to the road.

In the past, not a great deal of attention got paid to all the different tasks that might distract any one of the drivers on the streets and highways. Introduction of the cell phone has forced law enforcement authorities to issued fines to drivers that insist on using their phone while sitting behind the steering wheel.

How the victim of an accident can prove that an injury was caused by a distracted driver?

That victim must produce some convincing evidence. With the help of a personal injury lawyer in Grand Falls, such victims stand a better chance for uncovering proof that a given driver was distracted at the time of a specific collision.

Possible sources of evidence:

If the driver was using a cell phone, it should be possible to obtain a record of the phone call. The record shows the date and time when the call was made.

In the past, the number of passengers has suggested the reason why the person behind the wheel might get distracted. Any one of those passengers might seek to converse with the driver. The age of the passengers could also offer a clue. A parent might seek to control some younger passengers.

If the responsible driver had been carrying an unsecured pet, then that fact could be used to support a charge of distracted driving. An unsecured pet could have acted in a way that forced the driver to take his or her eyes off of the road.

Loud music coming from vehicle’s radio. That could be a sign that the driver had been changing the volume or the channel at the time of the accident.

Behavior of the driver at the scene of the accident offers a hint of any possible distraction. Does that same driver appear fatigued? Does he or she seem to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

Finally, those that arrive at the scene of a collision ought to look for the appearance of any object that seems out of place. It could have been in the lap of the person that was sitting behind the steering wheel, in the vehicle that was driven into one or more other vehicles.

What sorts of objects might be out-of-place at the scene of an accident?

• An open purse and lipstick or mascara
• A torn dog leash
• A child’s toy
• The remains of a sandwich or other type of fast food
• The copy of some type of City Guide