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The personal injury lawyers know that anytime a resident gets involved in an accident, he or she must report that collision to the insurer. During the course of that call, the policy holder and car owner must offer all the details, concerning the accident. Once that call has been made, the policy holder’s claim can be assigned to an adjuster.

The adjuster’s role

The adjuster’s role varies, depending on the nature of the task that he or she must carry out. The job of handling a claim leads to creation of numerous tasks. Due to the existence of those multiple tasks, insurance companies have multiple adjusters working on any one claim.

What different adjusters become responsible for working on any one claim?

Property damage adjuster’s role: They determines value of damaged vehicle and must pay the vehicle’s owner the money that will cover the cost of the damage. They must also compensate same vehicle owner for any towing expenses or storage costs.

In-house benefit adjuster: Responsible for administering the benefits. Schedules any IME (independent medical exam).

Out-of-house benefit adjuster: Assists with completion of the in-house adjuster’s job. They can be a contractor, rather than an employee that works outside of the company’s office.

Field adjuster: Field adjusters are sometimes referred to as task adjusters. Each of them gets assigned the job of obtaining a statement from the victim.

Tort adjusters: Each of them deals with a victim’s claims, regarding pain and suffering. Each of them must assess a claim at an early stage of the insurance company’s investigative process. After making that assessment, any one adjuster’s efforts focus on setting aside money that can be used to handle a victim’s claim.

Insights gained by studying the tort adjuster’s responsibilities

Note that those particular adjusters must tackle the job of attaching a monetary value to a victim’s claim at the earliest stages of the investigative process. The adjuster’s assessment is supposed to guide creation of a pool of money that can be used, in order to compensate the claimant/victim.

Obviously, the insurance company does not want to agree to a settlement that would force payment to the victim/claimant of an amount larger than what has been placed in the pool. That fact highlights the reason that the insurance company works so hard to oppose any suggestion that the victim deserves a larger amount of money.

In the absence of a Personal Injury Lawyer in Bedford, a policy holder will struggle to obtain a fair compensation, after being involved in an accident. A lawyer’s support serves to remind the insurer that any insurance company can be sued for bad faith, if it fails to deliver what it has promised.