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Assuming that the person seeking some type of coverage has purchased a car insurance policy, he or she should be entitled to the money associated with what insurers call no-fault accident benefits. Those go to any victim of a car accident, regardless of any evidence that the same victim might be partially or wholly responsible for the collision.

Public liability and property damage (PLPD) insurance

Each passenger that has suffered an injury could get paid the maximum benefit. That would entail payment of a sum that could come to as much as $50,000. Still, the delivery of that payment comes with a condition. The victim must produce evidence that he or she was indeed harmed during the collision with the defendant’s vehicle. Such evidence normally takes the form of a doctor’s report.

If the victim must take time off from work, while recovering from the accident-caused injury, the victim’s loss of salary needs to get compensated. That compensation comes in the form of $400, delivered on a weekly basis. Again, the victim’s ability to enjoy that specific benefit comes with yet another condition. The victim must show that he or she has become totally unable to carry out his or her assigned job duties.

Other conditions placed on all victims

Within 30 days of the accident, notify the insurer of the injury claim. Provide the same insurer with all of the necessary paperwork within 90 days. Victims that fail to meet those conditions could well be denied benefits. For that reason, a victim’s best strategy should include the step of contacting and hiring a good Personal Injury Lawyer in Bathurst.

The existence of a time-line can create a problem, if it takes time for all of an injury’s symptoms to manifest themselves. That fact underlines the wisdom behind hiring a lawyer. An attorney can argue against acceptance of an early settlement. Hence, as any newer symptoms show up, the victim’s claim can increase in value.

Costs that get covered if the other driver is found to be at-fault:

The cost of hiring someone to do various housekeeping chores.

The cost of attendant care, if the victim has become temporarily or permanently disabled. The insurer might send representatives to the victim’s home, in order to see the precise extent of the disability.

All the expenses that come under the heading of general damages. That includes the expenses created by the victim’s pain and suffering. If the victim has become disabled, then that disabled patient could seek compensation for the loss of a former lifestyle.

If the victim has lost the opportunity to work and earn a living in the future, then that loss would also be covered.