
FREE CASE EVALUATION | 1-800-260-0784

An accident victim with a personal injury claim needs guidance from a trustworthy individual. The search for such a person can begin with a consultation. Personal injury lawyers grant cost-free consultations to their prospective clients.

What the consulting victim should note during that first meeting:

Look for evidence of the lawyer’s education. Most Personal Injury Lawyers in Moncton display their diplomas on a wall in their office. Try to steer the conversation towards some mention of the lawyer’s past cases. Seek to obtain information on any of the lawyer’s past successes.

Questions to ask during the free consultation:

How will you be communicating with the members of your legal team? How will the team members be sharing information and guidance with you?

Find out if that member of the legal profession, the person with whom you have consulted has ever argued a case in court. If so, how often? Did the client win a fair reward in any of the sighted cases?

Ask for permission to look at the contract. Study the contract before you sign it, if you have decided to become the consulted lawyer’s new client. Ask about the fee arrangement. Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis. Unless you know for sure that you will win your case, you should hire someone that agrees to accept a payment that is some percent of what you might get awarded in a settlement or by the court.

Learn more about the consulted lawyer by going online.

Search for those facts that can shed some light on the consulted lawyer’s reputation. Seek out details on any ratings or review. While a single lawyer does not get reviewed, his or her law firm could have been reviewed as some point in time.

Be sure to visit the website of the Better Business Bureau. At the same time, do not overlook the website of the State Bar Association. Each site may contain a link to other pieces of insightful information. Then weigh carefully the information that you have gathered. You will not help your case, if you decide to change lawyers after learning about the size of the awarded compensation.

Why you can hurt your case by undertaking to carry out a lawyer-switch?

Your first lawyer devoted a block of time to gathering evidence and learning about your case. The materials collected will prove useless, when each of them gets stored in a spot removed from the second lawyer’s access. You have delayed the appeal process. Moreover, you have no guarantee that such a delay will work to alter the judgement that was made by the judge that sat at the bench in the first courtroom and heard the first lawyer’s argument.