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Usually, medical malpractice happens when a medical professional that includes nurses, doctors or other associated staff injures or harms a patient by poor quality care and treatment. There are various issues that crop-up due to medical malpractice that include:

• surgical mistakes
• errors during anesthesia
• medication errors
• misdiagnosis
• injuries during childbirth

However, you need to be aware that dissatisfaction with the treatment or unhappiness with the outcome of treatment does not qualify as medical malpractice. It is important to prove that there was significant negligence that failed to qualify as standard of care expected at a hospital which caused you harm and injury.If you are looking for guidance, it becomes important to contact a personal injury lawyer in St John’s.

You can generally sue a hospital for malpractice provided that you can prove the following:

Yes, hospitals can be held accountable if their employees screw up. This is especially true if the employee was under the supervision of a doctor and the doctor had enough control over the treatment to prevent the mistake from occurring.

Do doctors work for their hospitals?

This question must be answered if you want to sue a hospital for a doctor’s malpractice and win your lawsuit. The relationship that the doctor has with the hospital determines whether or not he or she is an employee of that hospital.

The truth is that most doctors work as independent contractors for the hospitals that they work at. This means that you can’t sue the hospital if the doctor makes a willful mistake or acts negligently.Doctors who work at hospitals that control their time off or that determines their pay tend to be employees of the hospital. Thus, these intricacies will need to be discussed and evaluated by the lawyer you consult with. It is better to work with an injury lawyer that specializes in medical malpractice cases.

When are Hospitals Liable for Supporting Employees?

Doctors can be supporting employees, especially if they’re independent contractors. However, you can still sue the hospital, especially if the hospital didn’t inform you of that fact beforehand. The same applies if the doctor isn’t good at his or her specialty.

Oftentimes, you need a signed affidavit by an expert under oath before you file a medical malpractice claim. It might state the standard of care that was breached in the specific case or it may just state that the expert believes your case holds merit. It is good to talk with a lawyer to know how to go through with the case. From evidence collection to proving negligence or malpractice, it is essential for your lawyer to build a strong case.