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What Happens When A Case Gets Settled?

When a case gets settled, both sides of an issue agree on the decisions on which a resolution of the same issue has been based. A case can get settled without any involvement of the court system....

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Liability For Performance of Negligent Actions

Negligent actions cause most car collisions. Consequently, the task of assigning liability for the damage suffered by the victim of an automobile accident demands a focusing on evidence of negligence. In other words, it must be shown that there was an obvious link between the defendant’s negligent actions and the…...

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Legal Help For Victims of An Underside Accident

If you were asked to name a word or phrase that comes closest to serving as the antonym for fender-bender, you would have good reason to suggest this one: underside accident. As opposed to denting a fender or two, that type of collision might result in a crushed automobile....

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Who Is At Fault When Unintentional Violations Cause A Car Crash?

Someone’s negligence causes most car crashes. In other words, 2 vehicles are most apt to collide when one or both drivers commit an unintentional violation of written or assumed law. How does the legal system identify the person that has been careless and neglectful?...

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Possible Results If Bus Rider Gets Injured By TTC Accident

These 3 words “bus rider injuries” can refer to the culmination of more than one type of event. In fact, a bus rider might get injured during any of 3 different events. That is why this article provides details on the possible terminating occurrences for each such event....

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Methods Used By Insurance Companies To Minimize The Size of A Claimant’s Settlement

While a car insurance company promises to cover the costs associated with involvement in a motor vehicle accident, it does not make any guarantees, regarding the determination of those same costs. Insurers know that they can save money by working to minimize the amount of money that gets granted to…...

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Actions To Take If Involved In Minor Accident

Sometimes a minor car accident seems like an annoying disruption of a planned schedule. Still, it does count as an on-road collision. Those involved should follow the actions that are suggested for all accident victims....

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